
It is our mission to provide you with top notch customer service, speed, and accuracy. We know that you have the choice to work with many different trucking services, and we look forward to earning your business and developing a lasting and successful relationship with you!



Energy Transport Logistics offers a full range of transportation equipment. Some of our specialty equipment requires 24 hours notice.

53’ Air Ride Trailers
28’ Air Ride Trailers
28’ Lift Gate Trailers
48’ Lift Gate Trailers (Limited Availability)
53’ Reefer Trailers (Limited Availability)
22’, 24’, 26’ Straight Trucks
40’ Chassis
20’ Chassis
Air Ride Straight Truck Service Available
16’ 14’ Straight Trucks
All equipped with Lift Gates
Cargo Vans (Limited Availability)


How can I track my shipments?

By establishing an account with Energy, you get access to our Energy Customer Portal complete with real time updates, documentation, quotes, and more. There is also a quick search tool located beneath the login portal for those who do not have an account with Energy. CFS updates must be inquired with the origin or destination terminal directly. 


Locations/Terminal Directory

Contact for more information.

Where can I find information on rates, accessorials & fuel surcharge?

Please visit the Resources tab located in the white ribbon at the top of our website to view accessorials, rates, FSC and more.

What is your FirmS Code?

Please see the Locations tab located in the white ribbon at the top of our website. Here you will find terminal profile information, such as address, business hours, and Firms code.

What are your cut-off times? What are your service areas?

Please see the Linehaul Schedules tab in the white ribbon located at the top of our website to view both terminal cut-off times and linehaul schedules.

You may contact regarding new business opportunities, and our Brokerage team at to inquire on service areas, not listed.

I need help with the customer portal.

Please refer to the customer portal guide.

Contact for additional troubleshooting.

Note: Different browsers may need to be used, or browser settings may need to be adjusted to download documents.

Let's Get Started

Click the link below to launch a form to request a quote for your customized transportation and logistics needs.

Have a question you don't see the answer to? Feel free to let us know by filling out a contact form or sending us an email at